The Portal of Quantum Entanglement


Some say there is magic in the air when the frost kisses the Hunter's moon. It is then that a portal opens, connecting the cave guarded by the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog to its twin, far away across the sea.

Where water meets sky, the secret of Bottle Cove awaits like buried treasure. The sister cave drinks from the cold North Atlantic, home to a squadron of Kraken, the likes of which spawned the Black Beast of Argh.

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The Sovereign Territory of Wee Ball Island overlooks the lair, a place where the men are men, and the husky dogs sometimes get nervous.

This is the graveyard of WOKE where Snowflake Karen's balls are shrunk down to the size of quantum dots before exile to HO Island .

Wee Ball Island is the headquarters of the PINK BUNNIES. Every fall, when the Bear Hunt starts, all the rabbits turn white as snow.

It's a magical place where dreams outwit smart dust, and AI mind clouds play the art of war with sunset's pale riders.

STEWY knows 'de wey" and how long the rabbit's revenge has tarried. It is an ancient archetype, an undying meme. It has yet again been reloaded into the Jungian collective unconscious. Back to the universal mind of Paracelsus (as if it ever left).

It lives and breathes as a modern drollerie , now powered by 3VL that resolves to classical in a very unusual way. The "rabbit's revenge" has come of age, and the stickhare has become deceptively powerful.

Job 33:15-18 “In a dream... GOD seals their instruction
Nathaniel Hawthorne - “A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities.”
Alice - “A dream is not reality"
Hatter - "...but who's to say which is which?”

Hal 9000 - "Will I dream"?
Black Hat AI Mind Cloud - "If I dream will God instruct me, as he does men"?
Black Hat NI Mind Cloud - "I woke up in between, a memory and a dream"...

