First of all, you must be logged-in. If you have never been a member, create an account. If you are a member, log in
Once you are signed in, your username becomes one of the links in the main menu. No matter where you are, you can click it to return to your profile.

To add content, go to your profile tab associated with that content. If a song, click the audio tab in your profile menu (if a blog click blogs).
Then you will see a + sign top right. Click that to add a new song. To edit a song, click the cogwheel next to it.
This is the same for all types of content - audio, blogs, videos, discussions, etc.
Also, you don't have to upload directly to us (except for sales, radio play, and the Top 20 song and Top 10 video lists). Files that you have stored on Flickr, Youtube, Vimeo or Soundcloud can be indexed, up to 50 at a time.
To upload a whole album of songs, at once click the * button on your audio page, and save yourself time. Pictures also have a bulk uploader and labeler. This is a real time saver don't miss it.
Don't forget that all the content you upload is available in the editors for your profile, blogs, pages, product descriptions, etc., You can embed it with just a click without knowing coding or copying and pasting HTML.

Click "Embed Local Media" in your editor to see this pop-out box.