An Open Letter to Carlo Maria ViganĂ²

2bdd197e3c1440f1a2ca3f26d0cfd03149fce68a1964748f51eca5a6f6157910.jpg First of all, let me commend you for exposing the evil in the modern Roman Catholic Church. Evil should be rooted out and exposed no matter where it is found - particularly the abuse of children and the perversions of men like Cardinal McCarrick .

You are a heroic figure to traditional Catholics who lament modernism and romanticize about the Roman Church as if it was somehow more "pure" in times past. Many long for the idealized " Holy Mother Church " but in actuality, it has never existed, except in the minds of those deceived by revisionists.

At the time of the reformation, and even before, the Pope and his prelates were exposed as sodomite rapists of young boys. Martin Luther and many others, even some of the historians of the time, wrote about their shameful vices. Five hundred years later, thanks to the counter-reformation and the tender mercies of the inquisitions, the sodomites are still in power, still corrupting doctrine, and still raping young boys.

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2000 years.jpg The false claim of papal authority is built on the lie of apostolic succession. That is a falsehood refuted by even one of your own, Peter De Rosa, who trained at the Gregorian University in Rome - Vicars of Christ: the Dark Side of the Papacy

This presumed authority was bolstered Vicars.jpg by another outright fraud, the Donation of Constantine . Many such falsehoods led to centuries of Papal power over the Kings of Europe and indeed the world. The Papacy has always been a political machine, claiming the right to rule the world but deriving its authority from the Roman Emperor , not Peter. It has no mandate from God and is an abominable syncretism between Christianity and paganism.

The Roman Church fulfills the prophecies of the anti-Christ system which usurps the place of Christ. This foundational tenet of historicist eschatology has been taught by traditional Protestants for centuries. Luther, Calvin, Knox, and many other reformers were trained Catholic theologians who rebelled against the evil system they served. In that sense, you share some common ground with them but you have stopped short of their total denouncement of the institution.
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The Roman Church is not to be confused or conflated with the actual body of Christ or with authentic biblical Christianity. To be sure, there are Roman Catholics who are trying to live righteously and serve God but they are to be pitied above all men.

Why? The righteous among you unwittingly give cover and support for evil. Even you, though exposing the evils of the modernists are at the same time legitimizing the institution. You seem to think that if only it were purged of the modernists and Masons, it could (once again) authentically represent God as the one true "Holy Mother Church".

ab4fd0b9c0f3b1fa50df29ff00f63a3e9c2b43530417cc56962c173c248ac413.jpg That is a totally unbiblical position and historically impossible since the Roman Church has done horrendous evil from its inception. This includes martyring millions of Christians, many of who succumbed to horrific inhuman tortures at the hands of papal inquisitors. The Roman Catholic whore of Babylon cannot be reformed but it will be utterly destroyed according to the sure word of God. If you claim to belong to God as a child of the light, you should do as he commands and " come out of her my people " (Rev. 18:4).

Those of you who purport to be "true shepherds" but do not separate from Rome as God commands, are serving to keep the "Trad Cats" who follow you on the reservation. You give them false hope in the institution and in doing so doom them to destruction. Instead, you should attempt to lead them away from popery, toward Christ. Away from catechisms and sacraments, toward the bible and love.

A right understanding of true history, including Rome's many crimes against humanity, would go a long way in lifting the blinders off the deceived. There is an article here that exposes some of the evil - Vatican Crimes Against Humanity

I implore you to fully divorce yourself from revisionist history and false doctrines born of the Papal apostasy. Embrace biblical Christianity, then use your considerable influence to lead your brothers to an authentic relationship with God through faith in Christ alone.

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8 June 2020