Eyes of the Lepus

Operation- Eyes of the Lepus

Operation- Eyes of the Lepus

Operation- Eyes of the Lepus

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Download the PDF. The very first-word "Metaphor" is linked to a paper on the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) and its Metaphor program.

That linked article provides insight as to why the OP is written as an allegory. Also, why Q does not always state precisely what they are attempting to communicate. Comms are cryptic for a reason.

The OP is written as a short and humorous allegory containing a DEADLY SERIOUS message. Following all internal hyper-linked words is required for a complete understanding. The rabbit hole is deeper than most know or even suspect. 

This is the first phase of a larger OP. The second phase will go live on the full Moon of Oct. 31, 2020. The Night of the Lepus is coming.
Tea Time.jpg

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